Fact 1 Puppies are born blind and deaf.
Fact 2 Puppies are born without teeth.
Fact 3 Puppies spend 15-20 hours a day sleeping
Fact 4 Dalmation puppies are born without spots.
Fact 5 Puppies can have an identical twin.
Fact 6 Puppies grow to half their body weight in the first 4-5 months.
Fact 7 Tired puppies get cranky just like little kids.
Fact 8 The average number of puppies in a litter is 4-6.
Fact 9 Newborn puppies have heat sensors in their noses to help find their mum while their
eyes and ears are closed.
Fact 10 A puppy reaches its full size between 12 and 24 months.
Fact 11 According to the Guinness World Of Records the largest litter of puppies is 24 (born
to a Neapolitan Mastiff in 2004).
Fact 12 A one year old puppy is the equivalent of a 15 year old human.
Fact 13 Touch is the first sense a puppy begins to use.
Fact 14 Many puppies mistake a human smile for aggressive behaviour if the person shows
his or her teeth when smiling.
Fact 15 Puppies don’t open their eyes until they are 9 to 12 days old.
Fact 16 Once their sense glands are developed puppies can smell up to 1,000 times
better than a human.
Fact 17 Puppies can stand up at around 15 days old.
Fact 18 Puppies can walk by about 21 days old.
Fact 19 The best age to adopt a puppy is 8-12 weeks old.
Fact 20 Puppies are good for your health and can lower your blood pressure.
