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How to give your cat or dog the best Christmas ever!

Christmas is the one time of the year that many of us look forward to. There is always so much to be thankful for in our Western World such as an abundance of good food, catching up with our family and friends and being spoilt by our loved ones. It is also a very busy time of year where sometimes we can overlook the needs of our very important family members, namely our pets which is not intentional on our part but life gets busy. Our dogs and cats will certainly know that something big is happening particularly when that Christmas tree makes its debut. Here are some tips on how to make Christmas happy, safe and truly joyous for your pet.

Cats and dogs react very differently to having guests around. Before your guests arrive, spend some time playing with your cat to expel some of their energy and take your dog for a walk so that they are tired out and ready for a nap. Your dog will love being the centre of attention particularly if your guests are dog lovers but cats can become very anxious with all the commotion. For that reason it is a good idea to create a separate cosy area where your cat can retreat to when it all becomes too much. You may even want a separate area for your dog because they can become over excited and a pest if they start jumping up at your guests. Make sure that you have plenty of treats as well as water to offer your pets.

The Christmas tree can be a potential hazard. Your cat will be intrigued by the glittery decorations and may try to swipe the baubles. However glass baubles can easily break and then cut their paws. The tree may also look like a great climbing frame for kitty so perhaps secure your tree to the wall with some rope around the back. You could also try putting down some orange peel around the tree as cats do not like that citrus smell. Your pooch might be tempted to grab hold of the branches or worse still pee on your tree. Tinsel can become a choking hazard for your pets as well as causing a blockage in their gut so either place it high up on the tree or just forgo including it in your decorations. If you are looking at a pine tree it would be best to go for the non drop type as the pine needles could be harmful to your pets if swallowed. Tree decorations made from wood are less of a hazard but if your baubles hold sentimental value to you then hang them near the top of the tree. Pay attention to dangling wires from the tree lights. It could be a safer option not to have them at all. On that note it is best not to have lit candles around your house because your pet could suffer burns to their paws not to mention the risk of a house fire if they are knocked over. Stick to the LED lights and candles as they can give very good effects.

There are also several Christmas plants which are highly toxic for our pets. They can become very sick if they chew on poinsettia, mistletoe and Christmas roses. It’s lovely to look at all this festive greenery but it might be better placed outside.

We all enjoy our food at Christmas as we know that our diets can be put on hold until the new year. It’s not unusual to indulge in chocolate for breakfast followed by all those wonderful dips along with some smoked salmon before the Christmas lunch is served! It would be very tempting to share some of our festive food with our four legged family members but it really isn’t a good idea. Instead it would be much better to offer them some extra doggy or kitty treats. At least you can be sure that there will not be any bad side effects or risks to their health. Just a reminder also to keep your pets away from any alcohol which has been spilled as it is extremely dangerous for them. The foods most dangerous for our pets include avocado, chocolate, Christmas pudding, coffee, cooked bones, currants, fruit cake, grapes, gravy, ham, lollies, macadamia nuts, marinades, onion, pork and raisins. Our pets do have a way of sneaking food off the table so do keep a close eye on them. If you do notice any signs such as excessive panting, struggling to breathe, muscle twitching or vomiting and diarrhoea then seek medical help immediately. Some vets have an emergency 24 hour service which you can take your pet.

Remember to dispose of wrapping paper immediately after the presents have been unwrapped. Wrapping paper along with ribbons and bows can cause a blockage in their intestines if ingested.

Last but not least do make time for your pet, even if it is a quick 5 or 10 minute playtime session. We at Pawfect Surprise truly understand your pets needs and how to keep them mentally stimulated as well as happy and healthy. Do take a look at our Christmas gift box as it contains 4 fun toys to keep them entertained whilst you are preoccupied basting the turkey or welcoming your guests and it also includes an accessory as well as a bag of natural meat treats. What more could your pet ask for! We have also saved you the trouble of racing out to the shops at the last minute because you had forgotten to buy them a gift. You can be assured that our boxes meet the highest standards when it comes to safety for our pets. We hope we can help to spread the joy of Christmas to both you and your adorable pets as you watch their excitement as you unwrap their Pawfect Christmas gift box.

We hope you all enjoy a truly magical Christmas.

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